What is the reward for 'Umrah?

Umrah Package December 2017

What is the reward of Umrah? It proves that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "There are five-day prayers in Ramadan, sacred for Friday and Friday, and Ramadan, if they go through sins." Muslim has stated that it is proven that: 'What is between' Umrah and 'Umrah, and there is no reward other than the correct Hajj.' "According to consent, it is not mentioned in the Hadith of 'Umrah that the person who performs Umrah is due to his sins, as his mother is born, but rather it is said that he only The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He said:" Hajj and end the age because they deny poverty and sins, because the Kila refuses to deny Solomon's iron. " It is an argument. Imam al-Bukhaari (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Hadith that it does not change the reward of Hajj in all aspects of it. In the hadeeth of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, now Jacob Ibn Qassaj said: "Whoever said: 'There is a reason why Ramadan is proven to prove it?' He said: Yes, it has been proved. Ishaq said: It has been proved that he said, and it means: (Allaah said: "Whatever they say: 'Say,' Allah is the One, Read a third part. "" (1) How to do Umrah is the right Umrah Muslim who has to stop haraam in the way of travel, and he cools his nails before he starts the pilgrimage. Then do wudoo, clean your clothes and clean your clothes, and if it is not permissible, and after praying two rak'ahs, it is obligatory for its kharaam after it is completed, then making seven rams in its house It is valid. First half black stone It begins with, and he accepts it if he can, otherwise he will take it from his hand and the black stone is half. Then he will be removed in the first seven stages, that is, He will hurry it with the context of his steps, and he should be ridiculous in every partner, that is, he shows his bottom shoulder under the rod. When he completes seven cycles, he is Abraham The two rak'ahs behind the temple, then zimim drinks water. He leads to pure and poultry, and finds between them, and the sandwid has to occur between green molecule and the seventh half ends in the dead. Muslim should do a lot more repeatedly and mention Allaah when the students are to travel and travel. When he completes the acquisition, he should touch or lower his head hair, and throat is better. (2) The obligations of Umrah and his will are the duties of the Umrah, and whatever he leaves, it should be blood (slaughter), namely (3) that the Muslim should be deprived of discussion, if there is a way between Mecca and Makka, Or a solution to the person in Hamam. Men should get rid of sewing for men. To identify or reduce your hair. Some things that can be done before it can be done: Solid the hair and hair that melts their nails. For washing. Good for her body one of the things behind the Ahamah: To pray and raise his voice, and it applies to man. To describe, by saying: Oh God, Habibi Habib William where I am Habibni. To say: Likewise Om Umrah. It is necessary to circumcise: in order to accept the black stone, in the absence of the crowd. To print, it is to highlight its right shoulder, it is for men. To become sandwid, it's fast in his walk during the first three runs, and also for men. To raise and pray to the man. Later paying two rak'ahs. It is important to find out: To climb up, and say: start with that which God started it. To run between two green flags. To raise the man. Arafah for Umrah The legal nature of Hajj and Amr are apart from Allaah, besides Zakariya and Haram, fear of God by the appearance of all slaves in human depths. Without any kind of admiration or adultery, without consent, what was before it was lost, in any action that respects the command, it is obligatory to pay a sacrifice, even if it becomes sin so still she has to respect her. And it is permissible to work in it and in the meanings of Islamic intention. And according to his intent, Umrah. It is not permissible to have a bath for a Muslim for a Muslim. If a person wants to be forbidden, it is permissible for a bath, and it is not permissible to count it as a year. If it is not permissible for a Muslim to do ghusl, it is valid and it is correct. It is essential for both sexes, whether women are pure, decent, menstrual or cheerful, because it is for washing and washing of wudoo.
