Conditions of Umrah for others

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For many people, many Muslims perform Umrah from their dead and living parents. Amra traditions have followed all the commandments of Ahmam and the Spirit, with a difference and simple intention and prayer. Instead, instead of describing the intention of intention, for this, and answering "Omaa blessing for the answer", this answer is clear and secret. Umrah's conditions must be desired for others, wanting to perform Hajj by others, first should be done to the Umrah for themselves, and it does not make any difference whether he performed it first or for several times. . If he does not perform Hajj before that, then he can perform himself alone, then he prays for others in the same manner. If slaughter is alive then it is not permissible to support her unless she is suffering from severe illness or disability which will allow her to escape from Umrah, and she wishes to consent her and avoid her she is not able to talk if she is unable to talk. If the dead dies, Umrah does not agree with him, even if he does not want his age to be aged. It is permissible to take Mecca or its children for Umrah that they should be paid enough to meet the basic needs during the journey and age, and are not permissible to do more than that, even if they are rich, whether they are It is dead or alive, does not have to perform Umrah, and there is a reward for the Umrah in the month of Hajj, if he is in the hope of Allah's satisfaction and his reward is in the Hereafter. Full age is complete. What does Umar do to others? The Amr starts with Ahrah and intends to Umrah and is not fulfilled before it. If he has already done the Umrah, he intends to perform the vineyard first. After disobeying Umrah and Ahram, on the same day and fast, Umrah is allowed to separate again for several days.
